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Eradicating slave labor with InPacto's data platform

UX Design, UI Design

In 2020, I was assigned to design a dashboard platform for the InPacto Vulnerability Index, a non-profit organization that mobilizes different sectors of Brazilian industry to promote decent work over the last 15 years, since the regulation of the National Pact for the Eradication of Slavery.

The InPACTO Vulnerability Index is an innovative proposal so that companies and sectors can prioritize preventive actions in their production chains and improve the fight against slave and child labor in Brazil.

The original scope of the project only contemplated the creation of a dashboard area on the organization's legacy website. The dashboards would be developed in an external website, to get around the technical limitations of the channel.

During the diagnostic process, we identified the opportunity to create a platform dedicated to the Vulnerability Index, where supporters could access data about their region, as well as new interested companies could learn more about the benefits of eradicating slave labor in their supply chain. We also identified the need to create an admin area where InPacto employees could manage new associated companies, grant access and manage internal permissions.

We decided that the project would be an MVP that would be improved in the next investment cycle. The deliveries were divided into three sprints:

  • The first would design the public area of ​​the channel and contact forms for interested companies.

  • The second would focus on the platform's manager.

  • The third would be dedicated to creating the logged in area and the dashboards.

We started the project by defining the problem with the stakeholders. This stage was fundamental in defining and expanding the scope of the project. Then, we held a persona workshop, where we identified, based on data and stakeholder knowledge, which user profiles would interact with our solution. This procedure guided our design decisions based on our users.

To support the personas, we developed Job Story and User Journey Map exercises to identify key interface points between the user and the platform's functionalities.

Meanwhile, we ran a card sorting process with the best ideas that came up in the discovery process. As a result, we arrive at the following insights:


  • The dashboard area will be a separate platform from the InPACTO website.

  • It is important that the number of dashboards is scalable, so in the future we may add industry segment dashboards.

  • The platform's homepage will focus on bringing new member companies to InPACTO.

  • The internal areas of the platform, which have more complex dashboards, will only be accessed via desktop.

  • The home page, intended to attract new members, must be responsive.

Then, through the sitemap we defined the pages that would be designed in the MVP. A starting point would be created on the old InPacto website, however, the channel was structured to receive users organically or through paid media campaigns.

The next step was dedicated to designing and approving the wireframe. Once validated, we proceed to the UI Design process respecting the look established in the organization's graphic materials. After the UIs were validated, we ended the first sprint with the developed interfaces of the initial flows.

In the second sprint, we prepared to run a series of interviews with the InPacto's employees. Our goal was to understand more about their tasks and the work process that  they perform, seeking to find pain points and inconsistencies in the membership registration and management process.

Intotal, we ran five interviews that helped us identify opportunities that should be addressed during the design of the user flow. The process resulted in an update to the sitemap, with a clearer definition of how the subscription management process should work.

Then, we prototype and validate the new user flow structure. The improvements consisted of establishing levels of management responsibility for Inpacto employees and also for administrative profiles of associated companies. So, each company would be able to manage its employees' access to the data platform, reducing the time dedicated to management by InPacto employees.

It was also defined that the companies' data would be stored in the platform. At that time, the team stored critical information in spreadsheets, without any kind of integration. This solution allowed InPacto employees to consolidate their efforts on a single management platform, easing access to data and maintenance of associated companies.

Finally, the last sprint of the process was dedicated to creating the user interface for the pages in the logged-in area. Once the dashboads were developed via Power BI, our team also dedicated their efforts to creating a visual guide with graphics, colors, typography and shapes that guided the development team's work in rendering those charts.

Years after our first diagnostic process, the platform idealized in this MVP has evolved into a complete website with dashboards and action plans dedicated to segments of the Brazilian industry, news area and more information about the index, with the goal of attracting new associated companies to InPACTO, with an increase of 300% in the number of interested companies.

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